Spousal support paid prior to the entry of the Judgment is characterized as temporary spousal support or pendent lite spousal support. Temporary spousal support may be ordered at a Request For Order (RFO) and is designed to maintain the status quo of the parties, where possible. The amount of temporary spousal support is often determined with the utilization of a formula accessed through the use of a computer software program (DissoMaster or X-Spouse).
Temporary spousal support may be ordered retroactively to the filing date of the Request for Order (RFO) seeking spousal support. Generally, the payor-spouse is credited with payments made to the payee-spouse or paid for that spouse’s benefit. However, a spousal support order at the trial may not be made retroactive to the date of the Petition unless a spouse had previously requested temporary spousal support (Mendoza v. Cuellar). A family law court may order temporary spousal support pending the determination of issues involved in an Out-of-State divorce (Gromeeko v. Gromeeko).
At the divorce trial, permanent spousal support may be ordered. The term “permanent” is misleading because permanent spousal support may be ordered for a limited period of time. The term permanent is intended to distinguish this spousal support from temporary spousal support. This spousal support is also referred to as post-judgment or long-term spousal support.