
Brea Child Custody Lawyer

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The outcome of a child custody case determines when and how often you can see your child until they reach adulthood. Given the long-term consequences of a custody case, many parents are understandably anxious about these types of cases. A skilled Brea child custody lawyer can provide reassurance and legal guidance during this process, ensuring that your rights are protected and your interests are carefully considered by the family courts.

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A Family Law Firm Dedicated to Delivering Exceptional Legal Services

“The legal services at Minyard Morris go beyond providing standard legal services. We believe in delivering positive results to our clients with exceptional strategic planning and results. To achieve our goals, our entire team of family law attorneys meets three times a week to conduct strategy meetings where our lawyers problem-solve and use their collective experience to work through specific challenges faced by our clients.”

This unique approach sets our law firm apart from the competition. Family law cases can be incredibly complex, which is why we take this collective approach to ensure that we exceed the expectations of our clients. If you have concerns about the potential outcomes of a pending child custody case, trust Minyard Morris to protect your rights and further your interests in court.

Legal Versus Child Custody

During your child custody case, the courts will establish your custody rights. These court-enforceable rights determine where your child lives, how often they see you, and whether you have the authority to determine where they go to school, and which doctor they see when they are sick.

Decision-making rights are determined by legal custody. Parents can have joint legal custody over a child, or one parent can have primary legal custody over the child. Physical custody determines where the child lives. If both parents share physical custody, the child may effectively have two homes. In cases where both parents are found to be fit, the courts generally award some type of joint custody arrangement. An experienced lawyer can guide you through high-conflict child custody cases helping you understand your rights and work toward a fair resolution.

Establishing Visitation Schedules

Establishing custody orders is one important component of a custody case, but the visitation schedule can be equally important for parents seeking meaningful time with their children post-divorce. The visitation schedule details which vacations the child spends with either parent in a given year. Weekend visits are planned out until the child turns 18.

Visitation schedules allow both parents to plan for the future while remaining on the same page when it comes to custody agreements. Once signed by a judge, the orders are court-enforceable, and any party who violates the terms of the order can face serious penalties.

The Role of Legal Representation During a Custody Case

Family law attorneys in Brea, California play a crucial role in protecting your time with your children after a divorce. They carefully review court filings from the other party to anticipate and counter any legal strategies that could impact your case.

If you face false accusations of abuse or neglect, an attorney can respond quickly to prevent these claims from affecting your custody rights. They also offer strategic support throughout the legal process, working to protect your parental rights and ensure fair child custody and visitation orders that prioritize your child’s well-being.

Child Custody Modifications

Modifications to existing custody arrangements are sometimes necessary. When one parent moves farther away, that geographic shift can make the current parenting schedule untenable. In other cases, one parent may fail to exercise their visitation rights, which can mean that they lose scheduled visitation time following a modification.

The courts generally want to see that a substantial change has occurred in the living circumstances of at least one child. If one parent takes on greater parenting responsibilities, they may be entitled to see additional financial compensation from the other parent.


Can One Parent Lose Custody Rights?

Yes. A parent can lose parental rights for multiple reasons. Abuse, neglect, and abandonment are common reasons why one parent may have their custody rights reduced. Failure to exercise visitation rights is another possible reason why a judge may reallocate custody rights in favor of the more stable and present parent. Even when a parent has been accused of being unfit, they still have the right to seek legal representation to protect their rights.

Can a Mother Legally Prevent a Father From Seeing a Child in California?

A mother cannot indefinitely prevent a father from seeing a child in California, especially when the father takes decisive action by hiring a family law attorney to protect his rights. Without an enforceable court order, law enforcement is likely to consider a custody disagreement a domestic matter and not get involved. By obtaining and enforcing a court order that guarantees the father’s visitation and custody rights, we can ensure that the father’s rights are not violated by the mother.

What Are the Potential Drawbacks of 50/50 Custody?

While 50/50 custody allows both parents equal time with their child, it can present some challenges. If parents live far apart, the travel considerations can become time-consuming and costly. If one parent struggles financially or works long or unconventional hours, finding supervision for the child can be difficult. While 50/50 custody may come with benefits in many situations, not every family situation is ideal for equally shared parenting.

Does California Favor Joint Custody?

California courts encourage joint custody agreements when both parents are involved and active in their child’s lives. Children benefit from having meaningful time with both parents. The only exception to this preference for joint custody is when one parent has a history of abuse or neglect. In those cases, sole custody may be the ideal arrangement for protecting the child’s safety and well-being.

Get a Legal Consultation for Child Custody Cases with Minyard Morris

Child custody plays an important role in guiding the growth and development of your child. By working with an experienced family law firm, you can ensure that the courts prioritize your child’s interests. The attorneys at Minyard Morris take a strategic approach to every case we work on, ensuring our client’s parental rights are protected throughout their child custody case.

We understand how critically important your time with your child is, and we proactively manage your case to ensure a favorable outcome that protects those rights. Contact our office today to schedule your child custody consultation today.

If you are ready to take the next step, call 949-724-1111 and speak with a team member. We can put you in touch with the information you need, as well as schedule an initial consultation. You can also reach us online and we will respond promptly.

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