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What if your child gets sick on the other parent’s time-share day?

Even after you have worked out your parenting plan, there are bound to be surprises. Ideally, your agreement will try to foresee most of the problems that could crop up in time-sharing and parental decision-making. It should also contain a method for resolving any disputes…

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Study: Pandemic drives down divorce and marriage rates

The list of activities curtailed in 2020 by the pandemic is a long one. Add two more to the tally: marriages and divorces. According to a new study, thousands upon thousands of Americans put off or canceled weddings last year, and hundreds of thousands more…

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The pandemic has complicated everything, including divorce

The coronavirus pandemic has changed so much of California life. It has altered work lives, schooling, shopping, social interactions and so much more. By forcing people to stay cooped up in their homes for month after month, the pandemic has made many marriages more stressful,…

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What are the options for dividing your home in a divorce?

If you own a home and live in California, chances are that all or most of it will be considered community property. That is true whether or not both parties are on the title. There are a few exceptions to this, and you should talk…

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Part 2: Should you change your name after divorce?

Regular readers of our Orange County family law blog will probably recall a recent post about how people who changed their names in marriage can effectively confront the question of what to do with their names in divorce. Some individuals who took their spouse’s last…

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Part 2: Hearing children’s voices in their parents’ divorce

Regular readers of our Orange County family law blog will no doubt recall a recent post about children testifying in court during their parents’ divorce. In California, children who are at least 14 years old have the right to have their preferences known by the…

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When can you relocate your children away from their other parent?

t happens all the time. One parent gets a job offer in a different part of the state. Or, there is an opportunity to be closer to the extended family. Whatever the reason, many parents find they need to move away from their children’s other…

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Your Social Media Presence May Cost You in the Courtroom

Divorce presents many different challenges for couples. Those that still live together will have a hard time keeping the negotiations out of the home, while couples who separated must manage packing, moving and running a household all on their own. For many, divorce is a…

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Part 1: Hearing children’s voices in their parents’ divorce

There is no doubt that Orange County divorces involving disputes over child custody can be emotionally difficult for both the parents and the children. In an effort to ensure that the voices of children are heard when their parents divorce, California Family Code Section 3042 states that…

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Part 1: Should you change your name after divorce?

There’s a seemingly infinite number of problems, questions and worries to be addressed in a divorce. For people who changed their last name in marriage – taking the spouse’s last name or adding it to your own – the end of your marriage includes an opportunity…

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