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Will traveling for business affect my child custody arrangement?

Travel for work is common. We can take our laptops and meet clients or check on the development of a product whenever needed. Although this flexibility is good for our professional development, it can make balancing our personal lives a little more complicated. This is…

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3 reasons you should consider a postnuptial agreement

The idea of a postnuptial agreement might seem strange to some couples. However, these contracts do not necessarily mean a loss of trust in the marriage. Postnuptial agreements are primarily for couples that experience changing circumstances that make a legal contract necessary. California recognizes postnuptial…

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An overview of child custody and visitation orders

Child custody and visitation are broad concepts that can cover many types of arrangements. According to the California Courts, there are two classifications of child custody and several types of visitation orders. For parents who want to divorce, it is essential to have a general…

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Issues with proving a date of separation

The date of separation makes a difference for property division in California. According to the California Courts, the date of separation determines if the property belongs to one individual or both spouses. Money or debt acquired after separation usually belongs to the individual spouse. Unfortunately, the…

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3 tips for a successful uncontested divorce

Everyone knows what a contentious, spiteful divorce looks like. Maybe you experienced one already or know someone who went through the experience. However, you do not have to go through that process. If both sides decide to break up amicably, you can have a peaceful…

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Moving while you have custody of your children in California

Custody arrangements can be tricky even in the best of times. Once the court decides on custody, everything may be fine until one parent decides to move. This can create significant conflict between divorced parents. What happens when you decide to move and have a…

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What to expect with a business valuation amid divorce

If you or your partner own a business and are facing a divorce in Orange County, things can get sticky pretty quickly when it comes time to divide assets, whether in a high net worth divorce or a more traditional divorce. Even if the business…

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Am I eligible for spousal support in my California divorce?

Spousal support is a hot topic in any Orange County divorce. Its purpose is to provide a spouse who earns significantly less to maintain a similar standard of living after divorce. Where there is sufficient, the goal of the court is to allow both parties…

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Divorce in California: Who gets custody of the pets?

For many couples, in both high net worth divorces and more traditional divorces, pets are considered almost as important as their children. For couples without kids, pet custody may be the most important issue in their divorce. Many other states look at a family pet…

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Is family law mediation really a win-win solution?

For Orange County couples considering divorce, mediation may seem like an ideal option. Promises of less stress, cheaper costs and faster results tend to lure couples in – but for many, mediation ends in more frustration, wasted time and wasted money. The truth is: Mediation…

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