
Category Archives: Child custody and child support

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Will traveling for business affect my child custody arrangement?

Travel for work is common. We can take our laptops and meet clients or check on the development of a product whenever needed. Although this flexibility is good for our professional development, it can make balancing our personal lives a little more complicated. This is…

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An overview of child custody and visitation orders

Child custody and visitation are broad concepts that can cover many types of arrangements. According to the California Courts, there are two classifications of child custody and several types of visitation orders. For parents who want to divorce, it is essential to have a general…

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Moving while you have custody of your children in California

Custody arrangements can be tricky even in the best of times. Once the court decides on custody, everything may be fine until one parent decides to move. This can create significant conflict between divorced parents. What happens when you decide to move and have a…

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Vacations and child custody in California: What you need to know

As a parent who shares custody of their child, you may be restricted on where you can take your child on vacation. Whether you want to take your child to visit their grandparents in another state for Thanksgiving or are planning a spring break getaway,…

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Co-parenting: There’s an app for that

There is nothing as rewarding in life as parenting. But being a parent can at times become a blur of events that keep you driving all over Orange County: school schedules, soccer practices and games, picking up and dropping off at friends’ homes, homework, doctor…

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How to tell your kids about your impending divorce

We recently read a newspaper advice column that tackled a couple of difficult questions: When should divorcing parents tell their children about the split and what should they say? The man who penned the letter to advice columnist Ellie said that he and his wife of 14…

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What if your child gets sick on the other parent’s time-share day?

Even after you have worked out your parenting plan, there are bound to be surprises. Ideally, your agreement will try to foresee most of the problems that could crop up in time-sharing and parental decision-making. It should also contain a method for resolving any disputes…

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Part 2: Hearing children’s voices in their parents’ divorce

Regular readers of our Orange County family law blog will no doubt recall a recent post about children testifying in court during their parents’ divorce. In California, children who are at least 14 years old have the right to have their preferences known by the…

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When can you relocate your children away from their other parent?

t happens all the time. One parent gets a job offer in a different part of the state. Or, there is an opportunity to be closer to the extended family. Whatever the reason, many parents find they need to move away from their children’s other…

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Part 1: Hearing children’s voices in their parents’ divorce

There is no doubt that Orange County divorces involving disputes over child custody can be emotionally difficult for both the parents and the children. In an effort to ensure that the voices of children are heard when their parents divorce, California Family Code Section 3042 states that…

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