Child custody cases are often complicated and require a deep understanding of family law and the ability to successfully negotiate favorable outcomes for clients. If you are currently going through a child custody case, you need assertive legal representation. Having an experienced Cypress child custody lawyer by your side can help you resolve areas of disagreement while still protecting parenting time with your child.
At Minyard Morris, we understand that even an exceptional family law attorney doesn’t always have all the answers. That’s why we set aside time three days a day to engage in group strategy meetings. The goal of these sessions is to use our collective experience to problem-solve individual cases. When you hire our firm, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and experience.
When it comes to working on your child custody case, we can explore proven strategies and legal arguments that work to further your goals in court. Our client-focused approach ensures that every decision we make is made with your personal goals in mind. Trust Minyard Morris to guide you through your child custody case with a strategic approach that gets results.
California’s family courts focus on two types of custody. Legal custody is the power held by one or both parents to make decisions for their child’s life. Important matters such as where a child goes to school, and which doctor they see for medical treatments are decided by the parent or parents who have legal custody over a child.
Physical custody orders dictate where the child will live. If a judge awards sole physical custody to a parent, the child lives primarily with that parent. The courts often award joint custody during a divorce, meaning the child has two homes and spends substantial time with both parents, even if it is not equal. A divorce attorney can help navigate these decisions to ensure that both parents’ rights and the child’s well-being are considered. Only in rarer cases where one parent is absent, incarcerated, or deemed to be unfit to parent would the active parent be awarded sole custody over their child.
The majority of time in a custody case is typically spent negotiating the terms of agreements between both parents. The courts afford ample time for both parents to come up with terms they both agree to before intervention becomes necessary since both parents will ultimately have to abide by the final court order for many years. If both parties cannot agree on child custody matters, mediation offers one way forward.
If the case drags on due to the inability of both parents to come to a consensus, the courts may get involved. A judge will decide remaining custody matters based on the best interest of the child, in accordance with child custody laws. A judge can consider many factors, such as the previous parenting arrangement between both parties and the resources available to either parent. Once a child custody court order is signed, the order is binding and enforceable.
The main factors that lead a parent to lose custody are the quality of their legal representation and how hard they are willing to fight for custody rights. The courts do not consider gender when determining whether one parent is more fit than the other to parent. Gender may have played more of a role decades ago, but many fathers gain 50/50 custody or even primary custody of their children these days.
To strengthen a custody case, a parent should demonstrate their ability to provide a stable, supportive environment for their child. Courts consider factors such as the parent’s involvement in daily care, school activities, and medical decisions. Maintaining a positive co-parenting relationship, following court orders, and avoiding conflicts can also help. The strength and experience of your legal representation can also improve the chances of winning custody.
Mothers do not have more parental rights than fathers in California. The courts do not distinguish between the genders but rather consider what living arrangement serves the interests of the children. If you are a father who has concerns about being given a fair shot in court, the quality of your legal representation can improve the odds that your interests will be considered by the courts.
A custody case can take months or more than a year to resolve. In some cases, one parent may not receive full custody and only be awarded that distinction through a modification. By showing the courts that you are a reliable and loving parent, you can build a case that proves you are deserving of more parenting time with your child. An attorney can also create a strategy that works to further your goals in court.
If the child is under the age of 18, they do not determine which parent they live with. Children must obey their parents, and the courts often award joint custody. If a child reaches their teenage years, they may be allowed to provide the court with their preference, but a judge ultimately makes the decision on these and other matters until the age of emancipation at 18.
A child custody case can have far-reaching implications for you and your child. While a modification for an existing custody arrangement may be a possibility, achieving a favorable outcome the first time is ideal. The client-focused legal team at Minyard Morris can provide you with reliable and strategic legal services that work to further your goals in court.
Whether you are going through a divorce, seeking first-time parental rights as a father, or requesting a modification, we can guide you through the process. When we problem-solve, we do so as an entire team, so our clients benefit from our collective insight and experience. To schedule a consultation for your family law case, contact our office today.